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PiLoggerMonitor dont work Config.txt Problem 3 Jahre 5 Monate her #1

  • 2paul
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Hi Forum,

dont know, what went wrong here, the data from my Config.txt are not read correctly, i can do what i want, but in the options always the values on the PiLogger side are complete destroyed.
On the RasPi side they are working and are read correctly, when I do changes.
I attached a picture from the problem.
Maybe someone can help me.

Greetings from Spain


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PiLoggerMonitor dont work Config.txt Problem 3 Jahre 5 Monate her #2

  • PiLo-Heinz
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Hi Paul, welcome to the forum !
Your screenshot looks like you're having trouble with the I²C connection.
The values from the PiLogger part are read live via I²C. Also the measurement obviously is not successful.
Are you working on a Raspberry Pi 4 ?
Actually the I²C driver on Raspberry Pi does not work correctly and additionally for the model 4 using the old driver BCM2708 is not an option.
So, if you are working on a model 4, please modify the file config.txt from Raspberry Pi OS in the boot partition of the SD card:
- remove any entry like 'dtoverlay=i2c-bcm2708'
- add a line with:
This will reduce speed on I²C to 30kBaud. By that a block transfer will last around 50 msec compared to the 'norma' 16 msec with standard baudrate of 100 k.

Hope this is helpful for you !

Greetings, PiLo-Heinz

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PiLoggerMonitor dont work Config.txt Problem 3 Jahre 5 Monate her #3

  • 2paul
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Woow, thx for the fast answer.
I want use a Raspberry Pi Zero W, and that have only:


in /boot/config.txt
no other "i2c" parameter.

should i still use your parameter ??

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PiLoggerMonitor dont work Config.txt Problem 3 Jahre 5 Monate her #4

  • PiLo-Heinz
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Hi Paul,
no - just the other way round:
for raspi zero to raspi 3 the old BCM2708 driver does a good workaround.
So please add the line:
best directly after 'dtparam=i2c_arm=on'.
btw: as described in the PiLogger manual :)
Have fun !
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: 2paul

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PiLoggerMonitor dont work Config.txt Problem 3 Jahre 5 Monate her #5

  • 2paul
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perfecto, muchas gracias...
Both entries are working, but i will use your second aswer.
Yeah, I really gave my best to find the answer in your big manual... i missed :)

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